
Local Market


A high quality non-volatile property price index.

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With the Local Market Index, you are able to track property price movements to a very granular level.

To find out how our Local Market Index can help you

Contact us now!

Accurate and reliable

The Index is the same as the index that underpins Hometrack’s leading AVM, with proven accuracy and reliability in testing.


The Index is available at all standard geographic classifications. For example Postcode, Suburb, and ABS standards (e.g. Statistical Areas), and delivered as flat file.

Long History

You can identify property price dynamics over property cycles with 30 to 40 years of price history in most states.

Better information for better decisions

Local Market Index helps you to:

  • Improve collateral and asset valuation, and stress-test portfolios
  • Measure, monitor and manage risk and policy outcomes
  • Enhance collateral stratification and pool selection