
Property Valuation


Value your property instantly using Hometrack's market-leading Automated Valuation Model. Each report includes local market trends, plus a valuation range and nearby recent sales - all for only £19.95.

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£19.95 inc. VAT per report. Only available for England, Scotland and Wales. Download sample report

Property professionals know they can rely on Hometrack's Property Valuation Reports when making important decisions about buying and selling property.

Our reports include hard-to-find local market analysis, plus a Hometrack valuation estimate based on our Automated Valuation Model - the same system that 17 of the top 20 UK mortgage lenders use. See a sample or buy your report now for £19.95 (inc VAT). Start by entering the property postcode above.

Frequent user of our Property Valuation Reports? Check out our cost-effective Subscription Reports.


Make smarter decisions

Negotiation needs information. If you’re a buyer or a seller, it pays to have an up-to-date, accurate valuation at your fingertips – as well as a local market overview. Our Property Valuation Report includes our valuation, market analysis and recent, local sales data.

Accurate and trusted

Free information is often worth exactly what you’ve paid for it. Hometrack valuations aren’t free – but they’re trusted by investors because they’re accurate. You’ll also get background information on previous transactions for that property, plus details of similar local properties and market trends.

Instant delivery

Need a report now? Just enter your property details and we will email it to you in minutes.

Backed by Hometrack

The Property Valuation Report uses Hometrack's market-leading Automated Valuation Model (AVM). Each valuation comes with a unique confidence level which we carefully calibrate. If we're not satisfied that your property can be accurately valued using our AVM, we won't create your report.

Why you might need a property valuation

  • Set the right price when you sell your home
  • Negotiate a better price when you buy a property
  • Insurance quotations
  • Inheritance tax planning

Subscription Reports


Stand out from your competition with co-branded Property Valuation Reports. Designed for frequent users like real estate agents and consultants, the reports are available as a cost-effective subscription service.